Interested in becoming a Member?
Support an organization that is your representative in the medical community. The members of our Executive Committee can communicate effectively on your behalf with county and state medical association, hospital administrations, government agencies and legislators. While we can't solve all your problems we can amplify your voice and help present your views in an effective way, saving you time and aggravation.
Community Service Be a part of an organization that gives back to the community through its activities involving the management of a medical school scholarship fund, a nursing scholarship at NVCC and community support such as donations to St. Vincent DePaul.
Value At $100 WMA membership is a bargain. We are able to do this because the income from our substantial reserves subsidizes a significant portion of our budget. Events are frequently discounted to members and guests.
Network with other physicians. Effective networking is the key to building a thriving practice. The events sponsored by the WMA provide an opportunity to get to know other members of the medical community outside the office and hospital. Interact with your peers and consultants in a more social environment.
For more information download our membership brochure/application here.